Here are four unique challenges of construction cleanup.
If you have ever renovated a kitchen or bathroom, you know exactly how dirty construction can be. Whether it is from cutting through drywall, installing tile, or building counters and cabinets, construction creates all kinds of dust, gunk, and debris in and around the work site. From apartment managers who deal with this kind of maintenance regularly to homeowners doing their first renovation, nearly all construction projects create messes with the same distinct cleaning demands. Here are four unique challenges of construction cleanup.
1. Uncommon Messes and Materials
Construction can involve some pretty unusual materials like epoxies, adhesives, and caulks that can be tricky to remove from ordinary surfaces. Additionally, cleaning surfaces like exposed drywall, concrete, and unsealed wood can present some interesting challenges. A professional cleanup crew that specializes in construction will be armed with both the tools and the knowledge to tackle these messes effectively.
2. Strict Deadlines
Construction cleanup often occurs on a very specific timetable. Cleaners must get everything spotless and move-in ready for new tenants by a hard date, or they have to clean between construction crews with strict schedules. Since crews doing construction cleanup are often not making repeat visits to the same site, any cleaning tasks or mistakes must be addressed immediately. This is different from other commercial and residential cleaning jobs, where mistakes made can be corrected during subsequent visits if necessary.
3. Sharing Cleaning Space
Sometimes construction cleanup happens in the middle of a project. This can occur when further tasks must take place after something messy like cutting through drywall; the drywall dust must be cleaned so that it does not impede the other processes. In these instances, professional cleaners must clean adequately while knowing that more contractors will come in and make more messes. Sometimes, cleaners must share the space with contractors who are making messes during cleanup.
4. Unusual Hazards
Aside from strange building materials, construction cleanup can also entail cleaning up after old tenants or cleaning properties that have been functionally abandoned. These properties can house rat nests, spiderwebs, and other hazardous or unpleasant materials and waste. While some cleaners may balk at the idea of tackling a construction cleanup project, the professionals at Absolute Solutions & Associates are ready to make your property shine!
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Absolute Solutions & Associates is proud to be the preferred facility maintenance and facility equipment provider of the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area and beyond. Our knowledgeable team members are dedicated to providing unparalleled customer service, competitive value-added pricing, and a finished product. You will be pleased you chose to partner with Absolute Solutions & Associates. From grounds maintenance services to commercial building operations and maintenance, we have you covered. To speak with one of our team members and learn more about how we can work together to exceed your expectations and satisfy your needs, please contact us today! You can reach us at 202‐630‐9469. Also, check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.